Genesis 1:14-23

The second reading this week is a continuation of the creation story, specifically the fourth and fifth days of creation.

On the fourth day, "God said, 'Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to divide the day from the night; let them be for signs, seasons, days and years...'"

Before I celebrated the holy days of God, I really didn't understand for what "signs" this indicated.  Surely, the sun is lower in the sky (or higher) depending on the seasons, the days are different lengths, the years are counted by how many times the sun rises and sets on the earth. The signs, however, are wholly a different matter.

Leviticus 23 is a handy list of the holy days of God, to be celebrated at his appointed times, as it is written, "The designated times of ADONAI which you are to proclaim as holy convocations are my designated times."  These are specific days, and specific gatherings, at specific times.  And how do we know when exactly to celebrate these times?  By the time:  in Leviticus 23:5, we read, "...between sundown and complete darkness..." each day begins.  This hearkens to our first day of creation:  "So there was evening, and there was morning, one day." How refreshing to be able to put our feet up at the end of a long day and say, "It's done!  We got through the day!  Tomorrow is here and we can rest."  By the days:  in Leviticus 23:5, 43, we read the month and the days of each gathering.  [Each Jewish month is determined by the number of days between the full moons.]  There is no question when to celebrate.  God has given us, from the fourth day of creation, the "signs" to watch for.

On the fifth day, I find some of my favorite creations of God, the birds and the sea creatures.  As you look out of your window or walk in nature today, be thankful for these beautiful, winged delights.
